
I believe we’re born with many talents and blessings in our lives. I believe that throughout our time on this earth there are things that call us from different directions to be answered, paths to be fulfilled. Sometimes it’s hard to navigate through the chatter of the ego who wants to keep us safe and in comfort… but we know that nothing ever grows there. We fear what others might think, we cling to what is familiar because we think it’s safe, but whatever is calling you will continue to nudge you until you wake up. In this time, the uncertainty feels scary like being lost in the dark but we are being urged to do it anyway. to trust that what we are seeking is seeking us. to follow that light, to awaken courage in us, that path, that voice that is leading us to the next version of ourselves. Spend some time alone and ask yourself, what is it that you truly want? Not what others tell you to want, not what others have, not what society says you should strive after. What is it that you authentically value? What is it that fulfills your soul? 

the universe exists within me

The universe exists within me, i will see all nature expressing itself through me.

Today, I will align myself with the universe. As i parked my car and walked along the road I could feel the energy of the earth. I kept breathing in the winter air, so crisp and clear. This was just after the sun had set, it was so beautiful. Although it was a simple setting, I could see beauty everywhere. The sweeping clouds, the crescent moon, the cold blue sky and the warm yellow fading in the distance.

Here are some of the photos I took on my phone, as i uploaded them to my computer I noticed that in the 3rd photo there is a face in the clouds… on the left side. To me it looked like a mans face and also a lion and his mane at the same time. With the moon beneath, this photo speaks to today’s post.

The universe is within all of us, we are all connected. We have the infinite pull and power to affect our lives and the lives of others in a positive and evolutionary way. Once we are able to look within, we can see that we have everything in order to create the life of our dreams. Look within and see all the magic you possess, let the universe mold you and guide you along the way. Embrace all of you, accepting and manifesting your truest desires. Just simply ask and start it to see it unfold around you…


Last photo of 2019. 10 years ago I didn’t even had a clue I was going to become a photographer and pursue a career in the arts. I am so glad I went through all of the challenges that I did. I was faced with so much adversity and it helped me grow. Thank you for all of the lessons, the self discovery, the growing pains and evolution over time. I am so much wiser and stronger now to take everything I have learned and apply it into the next decade. I am looking forward to learning more and more as the days continue and living my true destiny. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along my journey. Cheers to 2020.

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