It must be known, that that which is for our benefit, for our heightened awareness, for our highest self.. we must go looking for it. We must seek it again and again.
Ever since I can remember, there has been many types of “information” fed to me that I have come to question and discover the true meaning. To that affect, what will allow me to operate at my highest is rarely ever prescribed. So much of what we know is an illusion and once we become aware of this - many things are questioned.
In a world where we are addicted to technology, to countless forms of stimuli it is essential that we plug ourselves out and turn the many switches off. We are adapting to so much beyond our control that is has been indeed - too much. Yet here we are doing the best we can to make our way through the chaos in the world. There is much beauty to be found, there is much beauty that still exists, we just need to go looking for it.
We can find the answers we need to gain clarity and energy of solace amongst all that surrounds us, we can leave it in the air, in the woods, in the water in order to shed and become born again. That is what nature is for me, I have come to understand that it is a non-negotioable for me to be immersed in this still place.
I invite you to ask yourself one simple question: where do you find stillness to tap into your true self?
- Elle
Integration from our old life into the new takes…. time.
As the world has changed, so have we. It is after all the only constant in our lives. This past year has been transformative to say the least. I hope it has been for you as well in all the best ways. Even when it is not perceived as good, it really is all good in the end. Life is a contrast of all that is high and low. It is what makes it meaningful and carves us as individuals and as a collective.
Sometimes it’s hard to see it this way and that is why I am writing this for you. Maybe also as a reminder to myself. In the decision to become the best possible version of you means you are committing to a life of constant refinement. The challenges that shape you, the experiences that show you what’s truly important to you and you alone. Who you are now vs. who you may have been in the past. Also, deciding who you never want to be again.
It is a brave and courageous act, this is not the easy path but well worth it I will tell you that. When you decide and know what you are not willing to settle for and take risks… the universe delivers. Never in the way we expect because theres no magic or excitment in that.. but in the way that we actaully need it. It knows best.
You may not be where you want to be yet, but give thanks and be proud that you are no longer where you used to be.
With love,
It’s October 31st and you can feel hallows eve emerging in the air. Fall, in my experience has taught me a great deal in the beauty of surrender and the acceptance of change, of death, of impermanence and adaptation. Nature is our teacher as it shows us how beautiful it is to let go, as we choose to surrender, accept what may shape and build our characters to become more refined in the world. Everything is energy, we forget that we are not the only ones breathing on this planet, the trees in the forest, the grass we walk upon, the plants in our home. We are constantly surrounded by life and its teachings in many forms.
This year I experienced loss for the first time in 13 years, as 3 people left my life I was reminded that we have no control over when it comes. It shows us none of have a guaranteed time here, so if you wake up to a new day, it is for a reason. It is our duty as individuals to find out what that purpose is and to keep seeking it daily. For if you are still here, there is something you need to fulfill, something you need to heal, something you need to change, something that needs what you possess.
If you have a vision, an idea, a calling, don’t ignore it. For it is your reason for existence, it is a responsibility that is yours and you must honour it. Ignoring the voices around you, inside you and outside of you. If you have been blessed with the vision, trust and have faith you will always be shown the way to get there.